Simple Side Suspension

A simple suspension on a boy’s side is always fun. If you get them at the right height – perfect for fucking, etc. I usually use a support line for the head because if they’re up there a while – that neck will tire fast. You want them complaining and moaning about the right things.

I use hemp rope for especially my suspensions but also just in general. The bite that those fibers have give a lot of stability to your frictions in the tie. Kind of important as falling from a suspension isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. Yes – I know there is one of you out there that hope and dream about it…

I often use a shibari metal ring for suspensions. You can find them all over: link. Key parts of quality and safety are a ring that is either cast or at least welded. While most of the boys are twinks that I suspend, playing with them on a ring that isn’t at least welded can become a problem.

If you get just a plain ring – you’ll have to be good at line management – thinking of which lines you will want to move or adjust and make sure they aren’t trapped below other lines. Some rings have bars or even fancier ways to create different areas to separate your lines.

Happy suspensions!